Characteristics of Meaning Processes and Phenomena in Team Interaction
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joint mental activity
meaning transmission
common meaning fund,
meaning communication
meaning resonance
meaning dissonance
team cohesion
shared understanding
shared leadership


Introduction. Along with the socio-psychological characteristics of team interaction and management issues, innermost meaning aspects of team interaction merit special attention. The successful realization of meaning processes and phenomena determines the development of team interaction in teams. At present, little is known about meaning aspects of team interaction. This study investigates the conditions of meaning processes in teams and factors contributing to and hindering them.

Theoretical Basis. The theory of self-organization of joint mental activity (A. K. Belousova) as a framework for revealing meaning dynamics in team interaction and also fundamental propositions of the psychology of meaning developed by Russian researchers (D. A. Leontiev, I. V. Abakumova, etc.) provided methodological foundations for the present study.

Results and Discussion. The authors considered the process of meaning transmission which generates common new formations in teams including psychological situations, meanings, motives, goals, and assessments. In turn, these new formations contribute to the development of the common meaning field or meaning fund in teams. Meaning communication among team members is extremely important. Team members’ common conscious understanding of what they do and how they do promotes both harmonious interpersonal relationships and effective communication which is important for successful work. Meaning dialogue is a technology that provides meaning communication and changes in team members’ value-meaning sphere. Meaning resonance contributes to meaning communication among team members; meaning dissonance impedes it. The meaning aspect of team cohesion is a complex phenomenon that affects many team processes. The results of the study can be used in a further study of meaning aspects of team interaction in the practice of team formation. The findings are of interest to the specialists engaged in studying teams and psychology practitioners working with teams.
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