The problems of beslan in the view of psychology
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Peculiarity of psychological problems of the victims of the terrorist act in Beslan
the hardships, directly connected with the act of terrorism
the secondary symptoms, aggravated or provocated by Beslan calamity
destruction of self-estimations and food behaviour of victims
Stockholm syndrome
new psychological formations of victims of terrorist act
need for systematization of the professional psychological help in Beslan.


The peculiarity of psychological problems of primary and secondary
victims of the act of terrorism in Beslan consists in the combination of their
individual psychological problems with destruction of interpersonal
relations in the republic, including national, religious, family, and
pedagogical relations with the named social institutes’ sudden fall into
disfavour, and in the pronounced national colour of changes, occurring in
the republic.
The reasons for these phenomena lay in the obvious underestimation
of the named circumstances, in the rarity of the befell calamity, and in the
existent social situation in Beslan and Northern Osetia as a whole, by
representatives of all branches of authority, bodies of law and order,
education system, and public health services before, during, and after the
act of terrorism; in existing derelictions at conducting investigation and its
preliminary results coverage, in distribution of material aid to the victims;
in obvious underestimation of the moral values, national, religious, and
family traditions of the people with glorious history; in unsystematic,
casual, and inconsequent character of the professional psychological help
to the population.
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