The psychological support of the personal and professional development of teachers: the anthropological approach
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teacher’s personality
teacher’s self-realization
teacher’s selfactualization
transcending the self
teacher’s subjectivity
personal and professional development
psychological support
psychological help
anthropological approach


The paper overviews the original model of the psychological support of the personal and professional development of teachers, which is based on theoretical and methodological principles of the anthropological approach. The ideas about the necessity of shifting the focus in the understanding of the essence of development as a very individual process of self-actualization and selfrealization gradually replaces the traditional understanding of the personal and professional development of teachers, which is based on the system of demands of the profession and its linear stages. Applying the logic of the anthropological approach to the understanding of this process is based on the idea of transcending the self of the teacher as the subject of development from the actual self (initial-personal) to the desired self (professional and personal) through the conjugation of personal
and professional psychological fields. The process character of professional and personal development involves the process character of psychological support. The structure of the suggested model
contains the following main processes: basic and dynamic diagnostics, information, counseling, training and development, psychological support of the educational process (components of the psychological-pedagogical unit of the model). The auxiliary processes of the model are (a) creating and maintaining of a favorable socio-psychological climate in educational institutions, (b) creating and maintaining
of favorable conditions for self-realization and self-actualization of teachers, (c) motivation, and (d) stimulation (the organizational-pedagogical unit of the model).
The present article determines the main goals of the psychological support of professional and personal development and concludes the priority of the anthropological approach in the organization and content of support, as well as the relevance of finding ways of the improvement of psychological preparation of future teachers for further professional and personal development, which defines its vector
through the formation of the image of the standard personality of a professional.
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