Features of academic motivation in junior schoolchildren trained in different educational programs
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academic motivation
academic motives
relation to learning
cognitive sphere
learning activities
educational program
junior schoolchild
elementary school
empirical research


The paper shows the relevance of studying problems of academic motivation in junior schoolchildren in the modern educational environment. The consideration of features of academic motives in elementary school depending on types of educational programs – “School 2100”, “School of Russia”, and “Harmony” – gained special
attention. The present study analyzed the structure of the motivational sphere of schoolchildren in the context of leading activities.
Theoretical bases for the consideration of the aspects of this problem were (a) fundamental approaches to the study of motivation and personality and psychological theories of motivation (V. G. Aseev, D. A. Leont'ev, A. Maslow), (b) leading methodological and theoretical approaches to the study of academic motivation (L. I. Bozhovich, A. N. Leont'ev, L. M. Fridman). The present paper aimed to study features of the hierarchy and types of academic motives, caused by the specificity of the implemented educational program. To achieve this goal the authors organized and carried out an empirical study.

There were statistically significant differences in the levels and types of academic motivation in the junior schoolchildren trained in different educational programs. A high level of academic motivation, prevalence of cognitive and academic motives, motives of cooperation and self-development, and manifestation of the personal sense of learning in the structure of academic motivation were characteristic features of the
schoolchildren trained in the “School of Russia” program. Social motives prevailed in the structure of academic motivation in the schoolchildren trained in the “School 2100” program. A high level of the development of goal-setting in learning activities and the predominance of motivation to achieve success in teaching dominated in the schoolchildren trained in the “Harmony” program. The findings of the study can be readily used in practice in activities of elementary school teachers and educational psychologists to improve the educational process in elementary school and raise academic motivation in schoolchildren.

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