Features of reflexivity in students belonging to various ethnic and confessional groups when getting additional education
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ethnic belonging
confessional belonging
cultural differences
emotional frustration
additional education
individual characteristics


The paper examines psychological characteristics of reflexivity in students with various ethnic and confessional belonging when getting additional professional education. The study involved 250 students of the system of additional professional education at the age from 28 to 39; 124 persons were students of the Chechen State Pedagogical University; 126 persons were students of Southern Federal University. 40 % of the respondents were male; 60 % of the respondents were female. Both universities had a psychological profile of educational programs. 60 % of the respondents were teachers of secondary and special schools; 40 % of the respondents were university lecturers.

Methodological tools of the study included (a) the technique of “Determining the Level of Reflexivity” by A. V. Karpov and V. V. Ponomareva, (b) the “Technique for Elimination of the Reasons and Facts of Growth of Extremism of Ethno-Confessional Orientation for Certain Subjects” by K. A. Babiyants, (c) the technique of individualtypological features by L. N. Sobchik, and (d) the technique of “Determining the Reflexivity of Thinking” by O. S. Anisimov. The authors draw the conclusion that the students getting additional education regardless their ethnic and confessional belonging preferred not to reanalyze the already solved problems. The reflexive ability
for self-criticism did not depend on cultural differences and could be different in representatives of the Chechen University, as well as Russian students. Further study of the issue will involve the comparative study of the reflexivity in respondents living
in regions with different levels of psychological and physical life safety: conflict and post-conflict, border, and large megalopolises with a high threat of terrorist attacks. Further study of various manifestations of reflexivity in respondents belonging to various occupational, sexual, and gender groups is also required.

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