Psychological Bases of Sense Techniques as Modern Educational Methods
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sense techniques
technologies of training
sense-value sphere
pedagogical tools


The article considers the problem of alternative ways of working with children and young people when realizing the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation and sense-value pedagogy. The authors analyze the current state of knowledge and elaboration of the concept of “psychotechnique” and provide a detailed de]nition of this concept, taking into account its historical development.
The authors consider alternatives of classification, depending on the key criteria: psychotechniques which belong to any theoretical and practical direction (behaviorism, psychoanalysis, Gestalt and humanistic approaches); psychotechniques of classic, developing, and non-traditional training; psychotechniques grouped according to the principle of information coding, which includes verbal, audiovisual, machine-learning, multimedia, hypertext, holographic ones and other; psychotechniques based on the principle of quantity (individual,
group, and mass). The model of emanation which is the most interesting to authors is based on the principle of sense-imagery.
The o^ered classi]cation model substantiates the uniqueness of a special group of psychotechniques – sense techniques – which underlie the technology of sense training. The authors argue that their development and use in the educational process at various stages of training is urgent. They also describe types of sense techniques in detail and reveal their nature and possibilities of the pedagogical introduction in the education and training of children and young people. The article summarizes data on some studies of the in_uence of sense
techniques on the formation of motivation, in sense-value choice situations, in problem and project tasks. For the purpose of giving a complete information and analytical picture of the modern use of sense techniques in psychotherapy, advertising, politics, sociology, and other ]elds of anthropological knowledge the authors review them, emphasizing the importance of the development of a sense-technical approach, its prospects and ecological compatibility among other psychotechniques.
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