Features of Frequency-Spatial Organization of the Cerebral Cortex at Musicians during the Creation of Improvisation Based on Stimulus Material with Aggressive and Peaceful “Characters”
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musical improvisation
frequency range
spectral power
system approach


There are results of the research of bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex at musicians during creating improvisation in work. Identification predictors of creative activity and determination distinctions in course of the creative process induced by melodies of various “characters” became the purpose. Musicians took part in the research in age from 19 till 36 years. Distinctions in specifics of spectral
characteristics of power at subjects in the course of realization of creative activity in some frequency ranges are revealed. The expressed activity of neural ensembles in frontal and occipital cortex areas in the high-frequency and low-frequency ranges of EEG against the decrease in indicators of an alpha rhythm power in temporal areas is shown. The expressed increase of the delta range power is regarded as the mechanism of the special condition’ formation of the “stream” allowing to plunge into creative process. Localization zones of increasing power of theta rhythm at left hemisphere at creation of improvisation on a melody of aggressive character confirms idea about the lack of communication between nature of initial incentive
and an emotional state developing in the course of creativity.
There is a possibility correction of aggressive behavior through the inclusion of the individual in creative activity, which allows to sublimate aggression in a socially acceptable form. During the improvisation creative process plays a crucial role, but not character of the stimulus, inducing it. The results received in this research can be valuable for development programs of development creative potential, including
for the purpose of psychocorrection, with the use of the biofeedback-training technologies.

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