The motivational aspect of the independent assessment of academic achievement
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academic achievement
independent assessment
educational measurement
functions of marks
quality of education
analysis of results


Introduction. New methods for increasing academic motivation in schoolchildren by means of systematic acquiring information about academic achievement have gained importance in recent years. The shift of the paradigm of monitoring and evaluating activities at all the levels of the education system and active implementation of means and methods of standardized testing in the educational practice takes place not only in final examination, but also in the learning process. The paper presents an innovative view on the influence of the objective assessment of academic achievement on schoolchildren’s educational activities by increasing confidence in marks, reflection, and self-assessment.

Theoretical Basis. The study describes features of the traditional assessment of academic achievement and monitoring and evaluating activities of external specialized structures with the use of standardized assessment tools. The systematic assessment which creates a reliable feedback and stimulates academic motivation is necessary. Educational audit provides schoolchildren’s additional preparation to the techniques of the state final examination. Educational audit can be a form of assessment which depends on neither educational establishments nor educational management structures. The study presents the experience of the center for assessing the quality in school education. The results of the independent assessment of academic achievement increase schoolchildren’s academic motivation. Along with a school’s external center this assessment enhances schoolchildren’s learning activity and adjusts the educational process. Schoolchildren are confident in marks, can compare their own results with statistical norms and results of other pupils, and acquire detailed information on individual achievement. This provides the motivational aspect of independent assessment.

Discussion. Independent forms of the assessment of academic achievement are important for schoolchildren’s adaptation to techniques of the standardized testing. In conclusion:the reliable assessment of a wide spectrum of schoolchildren’s academic achievement can be a technique for increasing academic motivation.
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