Strategies for countering false rumors: a theoretical analysis
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false rumors
countering rumors
strategies for countering
factors of spreading
social functions
discussion of rumors
dialogic communication
communicative roles
communicative and role strategy


Introduction. The article emphasizes that the concentration on specific techniques to the detriment of strategic planning leads to non-systemacy and unpredictability of the informational campaigns countering false rumors.

Theoretical Basis. This paper is the first theoretical analysis of three strategies for countering false rumors. These strategies minimize factors of spreading unconfirmed information, reduce its functional potential, and consider the main communicative roles in situations of multiple discussions. The communicative and role strategy is able to provide understanding of the psychological aspects of countering the influence of rumors.

The study provides the content of the strategy for countering false rumors involving intervention in dialogic processes which accompany spreading unconfirmed information. On the basis of the author’s modification of the concepts of T. Shibutani and J.-N. Kapferer, the study presents the following five prospective areas: a) blocking the readiness of “messengers” to communicate; b) a large-scale influence on the “interpreters” of information; c) informational support of the “skeptics” in role confrontation with “supporters” of rumors; d) attributing features to the hypothetical authors of the news – “confabulators”; e) encouraging passivity of the “actors” determined under the influence of rumors.

Discussion. Each of the considered strategies provides the integrated guidelines countering false rumors. However, it is impossible to correlate concrete techniques used in practice with any factor of the emergence of rumors, a certain social function, or the only communicative role. This is the result of the experts’ underestimation of theoretical foundations for countering false rumors. At the same time, pure “empiricism” in countering false rumors is fraught with the lack of the effectiveness of the information influence.
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