Psychological support of psychology students’ professional formation
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psychological support
professional formation
professional selfdetermination
professional development
competence approach
professionally significant qualities
professional psychological potential


Introduction. The article discusses the problem of psychological support of psychology students’ professional formation on example of Togliatti State University students. The system approach in current domestic research considers professional formation as a process and integral phenomenon of mutual influence of a human and professional activity.

Methodology. The purpose of the study is to explore psychological support as a factor of psychologists’ professional formation while studying at university. The paper (a) presents an empirical confirmation of the effectiveness of the author’s approach to the development and implementation of the program of psychology students’ psychological support; (b) discusses structural, functional, and methodical aspects of this program.

Results. The paper describes three stages of the experimental study. The first stage of the study explored a socio-economic situation, the demand for psychology specialists, job functions and responsibilities of psychology specialists. The second diagnostic stage analyzed requirements for psychologists in various fields, students’ representations about the profession, as well as difficulties for beginning psychologists. The problems highlighted by beginning psychologists were divided into categories. The psychological support of TSU psychology students in training and educational activities for their future successful job placement was implemented at the third stage.

Discussion. The content of the program included personality-focused techniques of professional development for implementing functions and goals of psychological support of students’ professional formation. The program of psychological support aimed at personal professional development and formation of future specialists gained appraisal. The system of psychological support contributes to students’ professional development while studying at university.
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