Value orientations in individuals with high and low levels of subjective well-being
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subjective well-being
value and meaning sphere
practicing psychologist


Introduction. The problematics of subjective well-being is determined by a modern individual’s search for success and happiness, and also the goals of a practicing psychologist’s professional activity. The paper presents a brief overview of modern approaches to studying values in psychology and philosophy. From the viewpoint of V. S. Stepin’s post-nonclassical type of scientific rationality, values influence not only an individual, society, and culture, but also knowledge itself. A. Längle’s existential approach defines the feeling of value as something that is vital for an individual. S. Schwartz’s theory of basic values presents values as a circular motivational continuum. According to S. Schwartz, the structural system of values and value orientations is many-sided, multidimensional, and heterogeneous; this system consists of multiple classification models and types.

The study introduces the modelled correlation constellations that reflect the association between value orientations and parameters of subjective well-being. The novelty of the research lies in finding and concretizing differences in value orientations in students with high and low levels of subjective wellbeing.

Methods. The study involved 193 respondents. The study employed the contrasting groups method. Schwartz’s theory of basic values became the basis for the empirical study.

Results. This study (a) investigated the association among value orientations, meanings, and meaningful spheres of life and (b) analyzed correlation constellations of significant associations of values in groups of students with high and low levels of subjective well-being.

Discussion. The differences in the association between values and meanings in the groups of individuals with different levels of subjective well-being are interpreted. Significant positive associations are more numerous in the group of individuals with a high level of subjective well-being. This testifies to a higher level of the consistency of value and meaning sphere, the ability to systematize life plans and scenarios.
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