Program of Socialization of the Younger Pupils with Broken Hearing in Healthy Peers Society
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eYective self-realization
the integrated training
social adaptation
the interpersonal relations
speciZc features
correctional occupations


Education for children with disabilities is an essential condition of successful socialization and participation in society, as well as an eYective self-realization in diYerent types of vocational and social activities. Integrated training currently takes an active position, where now there are signiZ-cant changes. Studying the numerous development and research on the integration of deaf children, in the literature is not presented clearly deZned model of integration.
In this article we present our version of the integration model of hearing of younger pupils in healthy peers society. The novelty of the developed program is the successful integration of children with impaired hearing in full voice environment, which leads
to a better than a special school speech development.
Most children with hearing impairment in the Krasnodar region are trained in specialized kindergartens and schools, i. e. in closed institutions. In this connection, contacts with the world of deaf children of hearing children are extremely poor, and sometimes absent. Isolation does negative impact on diYerent sides of the mental
and personality development of children with hearing impairments.
As a result, communication among hearing impaired children develops the habit of dialogue that will make it easier in the future to adapt to the social environment, education in mainstream schools.
ScientiZc grounds are done for the necessity of specially organized communicative space, created in the conditions of the integrated education of primary pupils with diYerent audioverbal opportunities, for formation of communicative competence of hard-hearing students.
It is developed the complex of organizational and educational environment conducive to the creation of a common communication space for students with diYerent audioverbal abilities in integrated education in the I stage of secondary school.
Diagnostic system is made, which allows to determine the level of communicative readiness of deaf children to learn at secondary school for a variety of options for integrated education.
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