Socio-Psychological Adaptation in Individuals with Different Coping Strategies
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Socio-psychological adaptation
mental stability
stress tolerance
constructive strategies of behaviour
psychological health


Introduction. Psychological adaptation and behaviour strategies are system characteristics of the individual making him/her effective and able to work. The paper deals with coping as a way of effective adaptation to various situations. The present study introduces a comparison of socio-psychological adaptation in groups with different indices of constructive behaviour.

Materials and Methods. Adaptation characteristics in individuals with different coping strategies were measured using (a) the socio-psychological adaptation technique by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, (b) the Prognoz-2 Questionnaire for Mental Stability Assessment by V. Yu. Rybnikov, (c) and the Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS) developed by S. Hobfoll (adapted by N. E. Vodop'yanova and E. S. Starchenkova). The study involved 51 production enterprise employees.

Results. A consistent analysis of differences took place in the sample groups with different constructiveness indices. The study results showed (a) no high stability among the respondents, (b) predominance of high scores of constructive behaviour among women, (c) predominance of low scores of constructive behaviour among men, (d) the relationship among high scores of constructive behaviour, a higher adaptation level, and high mental stability. The study revealed a factor for psychological health resources, which included: (a) the index of constructive behaviour, (b) adaptation and adaptability, (c) acceptance of others and stress tolerance.

Discussion. The findings confirm the results in other studies of the relationship among adaptation, stress tolerance, and constructive strategies of behaviour. The factor for psychological health resources demonstrates the statistical dependence of the relationship among positive factors of psychological health. A low general level of adaptation, mental tolerance, and also constructive behaviour among the respondents suggests that socio-psychological adaptation is determined not only by the feelings of satisfaction with life, work, and family relations, but also other factors.
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