Psychosomatic status assessment was conducted among 175 women of reproductive age. The main group consisted of 93 women aged 18–44 years, patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis who were treated in one of the TB facilities in Nizhny Novgorod region in 2013, and the comparative group consisted of 82 healthy women of the same age. Testing by the method of “НАМ” (health, activity, mood)
was conducted to assess the psycho-emotional state, with the purpose of assessment of personality characteristics – testing by the method of “self-identity” (O. I. Motkov) and to assess interpersonal relationships we used testing by Leary method. It is proved that the pulmonary tuberculosis disease in the patients of this category has
a significant negative impact on their emotional state, causing poor health (the lowest evaluated), low activity, bad mood. Weariness growth was observed among the women during their treatment. The total self-identity of the study group of women is average, indicating its adequacy, but the value of the index is borderline with low
self-esteem. Personal characteristics are the presence of women disobedient unbalanced nature of inharmonious with the lack of a sense of proportion in the desires and behavior. Such qualities of human nature as kindness, sincerity, truthfulness,
compassion, independence, sociability, optimism, confidence, vitality, creativity (the lowest evaluated) are inherent to them in the least degree. Women’s behavior is adaptive and this indicates the harmony of their personality. The main types of interpersonal relationships of women with TB are, on the one hand, the “friendly”
and “altruistic”, on the other hand – “dependent”. Therefore it is necessary to develop arrangements for psychological care of women of reproductive age – patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and new approaches in the prevention of this disease, based on established psychological risk factors for tuberculosis process and its recurrence.
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