Emotional and Volitional Readiness for Polysubject Interaction Among Bachelors in Physical Education
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bachelor in physical education
emotional and volitional readiness
emotional stability
volitional qualities
polysubject interaction
subject of health-improving workout
low-intensity exercises


Introduction. Emotional and volitional readiness for polysubject interaction among the participants of health-improving workouts involves multilateral value relations based on the potential, needs, and characteristics of each other. The spontaneity of the process along with high physical loading and emotional intensity of interaction require solving the problems of each client. The article puts forward the idea that conscious regulation of muscle tone and self-regulation techniques ensure the development of a bachelor’s volitional qualities. However, little attention has been devoted to the solution of this problem at the stage of university training of physical education students. This impedes the development of a psychologically stable personality and improvement of professional readiness.

Methods. These were the technique for Assessing External Manifestations of Emotions developed by V. L. Marishchuk; General Communicative Tolerance questionnaire developed by V. V. Boiko; Will Power questionnaire developed by R. S. Nemov.

Result. Both groups were characterized by high and low levels of emotional and volitional readiness at the initial stage of the study. At the end of the experiment, 57 % of respondents in the control group had an average level of emotional and volitional readiness; 43 % of respondents had a high level of emotional and volitional readiness. These proportions were 37 % and 63 % for the experimental group.

Discussion. Age-specific characteristics of self-concept determine emotional stability through a sequential formation of self-esteem. Individual and collective forms of interaction, mutual assistance and support, free choice of individual tasks determine the effectiveness of emotional stability. The techniques of yoga, callanetics, and pilates, which are focused on holding certain static poses, lead to mental stress and activate emotional and volitional efforts.

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