Regulation Technology of Students’ Emotional States
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emotional states
regulation technology
educational process
operational image
meaning context
world picture
self-regulation of emotional states
regulation ways
teacher’s reflexivity
semantic-making activity


Introduction. The technology of regulation is the process of indirect support of students’ favorable emotional states and also transformation of unfavorable ones. The article presents the author’s technology of regulation of emotional states. This is so-called meaningful ascending of students organized by the teacher. The paper brings forward the idea that the teacher contributes to students’ self-regulation of emotional states by changing the world image through the presentation of operational images.

Methods. The technology validation involved 810 teachers from three regions of the Russian Federation. The experimental part of the study relied on the activity-based approach and employed the following techniques: Recognition of Emotion Expressions and Emotional States (by A. Ya. Chebykin); Monitoring Map for the Dynamics of the Student’s Emotional States During Class (by A. Ts. Puni); The Reflexivity Level (A. V. Karpov); The Level of Pedagogical Regulation of a Schoolchild’s Emotional States (S. I. Popova); Method of Expert Evaluations of the Dynamics of Students’ Emotional States During Class (A. O. Prokhorov).

Results. The results of the study indicated a positive dynamics for all the parameters: (a) the degree of recognition and adequacy of interpreting emotional states; (b) the reflexivity level; (c) the level of pedagogical regulation of the student’s emotional states; (d) the dynamics of students’ emotional states during class.

Discussion. The obtained results suggest that the teacher seeks to recognize students emotional states and reveal his/her significant connections in the world around him/her. The study revealed the convergence of the images of students’ states and activities, teachers’ appeal to future events, focus on the development of students’ value relations on the basis of the dynamics of their emotional states.
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