Intellectual Differentiation in the Level and Structure of Civil Identity in Students Studying at Moscow and Regional Higher Education Institutions
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values of civil society
civil identity
consistency of civil values
intellectual differentiation
level of intellectual development
regional socio-cultural environment
cognitive mechanism
socio-cultural resource
value symbolic field


Introduction. This paper presents a comparative analysis of intellectual development and civil identity. Students studying at different socio-cultural environments demonstrate intellectual variability in relation to different levels of civil identity. The study provides new data on the relationship among the level of acceptance, personal traits characterizing social capital, and the structure and level of intelligence in individuals with different socio-cultural conditions.

Methods. The level of intelligence was measured using the Test of Adults’ Mental Development (TAMD), which relied on the concept of a socio-psychological standard (SPS). The Diagnosis of Civil Identity projective technique was employed for studying civil identity. The technique included the following scales: (a) attitude towards the rights of ethnic minorities; (b) attitude towards the rights of sexual minorities; (c) attitude towards liberal values; (d) attitude towards political rights; (e) attitude towards the rights of the underprivileged; (f) attitude towards the rights of disabled persons; (g) attitude towards Russia in terms of patriotism (citizens’ attitude towards the state they live in).

Results. A higher level of intellectual development determined students’ reflexive and critical attitude towards events in the country. Students with a high level of intellectual development (a) appreciated personal responsibility and freedom, (b) had a positive attitude towards the rights of ethnic minorities and legal protection of honor and dignity, and (c) evaluated the world on the basis of information from different sources.

Discussion. In Moscow social medium intelligence contributes to students’ positive attitude towards liberal values and enhances their participation in democratic transformations in Russia. A higher level of intellectual development determines students’ recognition of the rights of national and ethnic minorities in a regional social medium.
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