The influence of the professional activity of the teacher of the preschool educational organization on the development of professional deformations
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professional development
professional deformations
psychological defence
character accentuations


The article deals with the problem of the development of professional deformations among teachers of preschool educational organizations (PEO); the author substantiates the influence of the professional activity of the teacher of PEO on formation of specific variants of professional deformations. Teachers of PEO having 1–5 and 10–15 years experience were examinees in the research. Results of this research have made it possible to describe the type of professional deformations among teachers of PEO. As the length of teaching experience increases, under the influence of features of the professional activity, the tension in using psychological defences increases and their representation changes qualitatively among teachers of PEO; the choice of behavior strategies in settling conflict situations also changes; accentuations of personality traits are sharpened.
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