New formations in a sense sphere of women who gave birth to healthy children and children with pathologies
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new formation
sense-of-life orientations
value orientations
postnatal period
healthy children
children with pathologies


The article considers problems of a new formation of a sense sphere of women who gave birth to healthy children and children with pathologies, problems of women’s self-relation, sense-of-life orientation, change of value attitudes in the postnatal period, in adapting to a mother status. The author substantiates the necessity of using diagnostic instruments: the “SLO” test of D. A. Leontyev (sense-of-life orientation test), the “Value Orientations” technique of M. Rokich, coping-mechanisms of E. Heim, the test questionnaire of self-relation of V. V. Stolin and S. R. Panteleyev, the technique of studying self-relation (TSSR). Women who gave birth to healthy children (31 persons) and children with pathologies (31 persons) aged 21–49 were examinees in the research. The author offers the comparative and statistical analysis of new formations among the surveyed women, describes the conclusions obtained in empirical studying.
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