Methodical Approach to Estimating Value Orientations of Leaders of Internal Affairs Agencies
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internal affairs officers
value orientations
sense regulation of activity


The article explains the need to examine value orientations of the leaders of the Internal A"airs Agencies as a signi#cant component of the regulation of their service activity, since the number of crimes, violations of discipline and legality among police personnel
remains at a fairly high level. A technique for estimating value orientations of internal affairs o!cers is described. Leaders of services and units of the Internal A"airs Agencies were the object of the investigation. The study involved 321 people. The sample was divided
into two groups with the help of the expert technique (“Monitoring” program): leaders who are disposed and indisposed to violation of legal, moral and ethical norms of o!cial behaviour.
The results of studies showing characteristic features in the structures of value orientations of employees disposed and indisposed to illegal behaviour are shown. It is concluded that the structure of value orientations in$uences on forming the psychological mechanism
of a possible illegal behaviour among the leaders of the Internal A"airs Agencies.

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