The sense-motivation basis of young people’s participation in volunteer activity
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young people
social activity
social-political organizations
sense-motivation sphere


The article is concerned with the analysis of European researches of the sense-motivation sphere of young people participating in a volunteer activity. The author brings forward her study of the sense-motivation sphere of young people. 160 young people (96 girls and 64 young men) aged 14–30 took part in the study. They were representatives of political, volunteer, religious youth public organizations, authors of their own volunteer projects, and also students of the Southern Federal University (SFedU) who have not been involved in such activities.
When drawing conclusions of the carried-out analysis of the diagnostics’ results, the author states that they have succeeded in putting into practice a hypothetical assumption that it is possible to reveal life-sense strategies of young people which differ in a degree of their involvement in public activities. They have also formed symptom complexes foreach of the distinguished types of personality which make it possible to define features of young people and subsequently develop methods of social-psychological support for each type of organizations.
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