Genotype-environment interaction: a molecular genetic approach to the study of volitional control during pregnancy
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genotype-environment interaction
volitional control


The adaptive ability of organism to be changed environmentally throughout the lifespan requires the plasticity of link between a genotype and a phenotype. The genotype/environment dyad determines an adaptive profile of a phenotype and functional potential
of its plasticity. By the regulation of gene expression, the environment influences the genotype and determines phenotypic variability, which is adaptive by nature. Therefore, the need for the integrative study of genotype-environment interaction and its prospects becomes clear in order to obtain objective and comprehensive data about the true nature of individual differences in psychological features. Using this approach, heterogeneous etiology of volitional control differences among women in the third trimester of gestation was assessed. Identification of pregnancy-specific molecular and genetic predictors
of the volitional control allows defining its role in the psychological readiness of women for childbirth.
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