Symbol and symbolization: similarity and difference of the interpretation in the context of the different psychological approaches
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empirical and theoretical generalization
psychosemantic image
context forming


Symbolization – is the process of creation (at the level of the public conscious) and
acquiring (at the level of the individual conscious) of the new notions –symbols, concentrated
in the generalized form, the significance of their specific qualities as “super important”
or “super realistic”. The notions- symbols have the function which differ from any
other, because they play the role of the universal indicators, which orientate cognizer to
the meaning of the context, which must not only be perceived indifferently, which needs
to be realized, assessed, interpreted in a certain way. In the frame of the different psychological
approaches the problem of the symbolization is treated and evaluated in different
ways. The analysis of some definitions of this scientific category let us rise to the integrative
level of understanding of the mechanisms of the symbols and symbolization.
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