New technological aspects of education: a modern lesson in modules
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a module
a topic of a lesson
an inter-subject integration
a leading idea of the lesson
basic and accompanying concepts to the lesson
the general context of the lesson
a semantic component of a lesson
universal training actions
educational technologies
structures of the process
pedagogical risks in the lesson


A modern lesson is considered by authors in a modular structure. Thus extremes of two approaches existing in didactics are overcome, one of which considers a lesson in an extremely general view, and the other examines it in its stage-by-stage, differentiated development
in time. In the modular approach suggested by the authors a horizontal and a vertical lines of education are combined, the general and individual in it are found in one area of designing, carrying out and analyzing of the lesson. The lesson is considered in various didactic aspects and at the same time entirely. The article is intended to teachers, methodologists, teachers-researchers, psychologists.
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