At the current stage the history of researching creativity appears to have drawn a curve which agrees with the methodological conceptions of L.S.Vigotsky. We stress that the current investigation of creativity takes place within two paradigms.
- Testological paradigm, in which Guilford’s definition of the creativity index “Cr”, different from the index of intelligence “IQ”, illustrates a tendency typical especially for the componentwise. In this paradigm the vector of development points toward breadth. Based on distant associations, divergent thinking does not have the same content as divergence as a mechanism of evolution. Therefore divergent thinking does not guarantee gaining of new knowledge, but only provides some possibility for it.
- The paradigm “process-activity” in which we single out the true phenomenon based on an identification of the unit of creativity analysis. This paradigm is a result of development of the cognition process inward, of
“exploding the layers of existence” [Rubinshtane S.L.].
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Богоявленская Д.Б. Что измеряют тесты интеллекта и креативности // Психология, №2, 2005.
Богоявленская Д.Б., Сусоколова И.А.. О дивергентном мышлении.// Психологическая наука и образование. № 2, 2006.
Выготский Л.С. Соб.соч. 6 т. Т.2, 1984.
Мигдал А.Б. Психология творчества. 1976.
Пастернак Б. Избранное, М., 1965.
Пришвин М.. О творческом поведении. М., 1969.
Рубинштейн С.Л. Основы общей психологии.М., 1945.
Guilford J., Wilson R., Christensen P. A Factor - Analytic Study of Creative Thinking. Reports from the Psychological Laboratory, USC, n.8, 1952.
Guilford J.P. Traits of Creativity. Creativity and its Cultivation. Ed. H.H.Anderson, NY 1959, 142-161.
Guilford J.P. An Odyssey of the SOI Model. Tokyo, 1988.
Guilford J.P. In eds. Boring E., Lindzey G. A History of Psychology in Autobiography. Vol.V, NY, 1967, pp. 169-191.
Wilson R., Guilford J., Christensen P. The measurement of individual differences in originality. The psychological bulletin, 1953, v.50, n 5, 362-370.