In this article, there is analysis of gamma-rhythm ’s issue, which provides foundation for appearance and wide expansion of the binding conception of different networks into united system via mechanism of gamma-rhythm synchronization. Author research own issue of activity’s synchronization with narrow band gamma oscillators, adjusted to a certain frequency under conditions which stimulate gamma-rhythm increase. New research technology of gamma-rhythm which gets more precise data about brain localization of gamma-rhythm dipoles because of their projection to individual brain homographic section.
Данилова Н.Н. Гамма-осцилляции в когнитивной деятельности человека//ХХХ Всероссийское совещание по проблемам высшей нервной деятельности, посвященное 150-летию со дня рождения И.П.Павлова. Санкт-Петербург. 2000. 63-66.
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б., Анисимов Н.В., Пирогов Ю.А., Соколов Е.Н. Гамма-ритм электрической активности мозга человека в сенсорном кодировании//Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника.2002, №3, 34-42.
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б. Роль частотно-специфических кодов в процессах внимания// Материалы 2-ой Международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения А.Р. Лурия «А.Р. Лурия и психология XXI века»М. «Федоровец», 2003, (в печати).
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б. Осцилляторная активность мозга и
информационные процессы //Психология: современные
направления междисциплинарных исследований. Доклады конференции, М. Из-во ИПРАН. 2003 (в печати).
Думенко В.Н., М.К.Козлов Исследование селективного внимания у собак по данным когерентно-фазовых характеристик корковых потенциалов в широкой полосе частот 1-220 Гц//Журн. высш.нервн.деят., 2002, №4, 428-440.
Думенко В.Н., Функциональное значение высокочастотных компонентов электрической активности головного мозга в процессах формирования внутренних образов//Журн. высш.нервн.деят., 2002, №5, 539-550.
Соколов Е.Н. Восприятие и условный рефлекс: новый взгляд. 2003, МГУ (в печати).
Basar. E. Brain function and oscillations. II: Integrative brain function. Neurophysiology and cognitive processes. 1999. Springer
Basar E., Basar-Eroglu C., Karakas S., Schurman M. Brain oscillation in perception and memory //International Journal of Psychophysiology 35: 95, 2000.
Bresslerr, S.L. Large-scale cortical networks and cognition //Brain Research Reviews, 1995, 20, 288-304.
Brosch M., Bauer R., and Eckhorn R. Stimulus-dependent modulations of correlated high- frequency oscillations in cat visual cortex //Cereb Cortex, 1997, 7, 70-76 [цитировано по MEDLINE]
Eckhorn,R., Bauer, R., Jorden, W., Brosch, M., Kruse, W., Munk, M.H.J. & Reitboeck, H.J. Coherent oscillations: a mechanizm of feature linking in the visual cortex? Multiple electrode and correlation analysises in the cat //Biological Cybernetics, 1988, 60, 121-130.
Eckhorn,R., Reitboeck, H.J., Arndt, M. And Dickt, P.Feature linking via synchronization among distriuted assemblies: Simulations of results from cat visual cortex//Neural Computetion 2, 293, 1990.
Ekhorn,R., Frien A., Bauer R., Woelbern T. And Kehr H. High- frequency (60-90 Hz) oscillations in primary visual cortex of awake monkey //NeuroReport, 1993, 4, pp 243-246 [цитировано по MEDLINE]
Fell J., Hinriche H., Roschke J. Time-course of human 40 Hz EEG activity accompanying P3 responses in an auditory oddball paradigm. // Neurosci. Lett. 1997, Vjl 235, Iss 3, pp 121-124.
Frien A., Eckhorn R., Bauer R., Woelbern T. And Kehr Stimulus- specific fast oscillations at zero phase between visual areas V1 and V2 of awake monkey //NeuroReport, 1994, 5, pp 2272- 2277[цитировано по MEDLINE]
Fries, P., Roelfsema P.R., Engel A. K., Koning P. & Singer W. Sinchronization of oscillatory responses in visual cortex correlates with perception in interocular rivalry//Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 1997, 94, 12699-12704.
Galambos, R. A comparison of certain gamma band (40-HZ) brain rhythms in cat and man//In E. Basar & T.H. Bullak (Eds) Induced Rhythms in the Brain, 1992, 201-206. Boston: Brikhauser.
Herculano-Houzel, S., Munk Neuenschwander, S. & Singer
W. Precisely synchronizeed oscillatory firing patterns require electroencephalographic activation//J. Of Neuroscience, 1999, 19, 3992-4010.
Herrman, C.S., Mecklinger, A. & Pfeifer, E. Gamma response and ERPs in visual classification task// Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999, 110, 636-642.
Hughes J.R., Hendrix D., Weizel N. And Johnson J. Correlations between electrophysiological activity from the human olfactory bulb and subjective response to odoriferous stimuli//In Pfaffman C. (Eds) Olfaction and taste. III, 1969, pp. 172-191. Oxford: Pergamon.
Jones M.S., Barth D.S. Sensory-evoked high-frequency (gamma- band) oscillating-potentials in somatosensory cortex of the unanesthetized rat //Brain Research, 1997, Vol. 768, Iss 1-2, pp 167-176.
Kojo I., Liinasuo, M and Rovamo, J. (1993) Spatial and temporal properties of illusory figures. Vision Res., 33: 897-901.
Laurent G., Wehr M., Davidowitz A. Temporal representation of odors in an olfactory network//J. Neurosci. 1996, 16: 3837-3847.
Lutzenberger W., Pulvermuller F., Birbaumer N. Words and pseudowords elicit distinct patterns of 30-Hz activity in humans //Neurosci. Lett. 176, 115. 1994.
Koseki K., Yamanouchi N., Sato T., Nakajima Y. Attention Changes the Peak Latency of the Visual Gamma- Band Oscillation of the EEG //NEUROREPORT 1999, Vol 10, Iss 6, pp 1167-1170.
Mima T., Simpkins N., Oluwatimilehin T., Hallett M. //Force Level Modulates Human Cortical Oscillatory Activities //NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 1999, Vol 275, Iss 2, pp 77-80.
Neuenschwander S. and Singer W. Long-range synchronization of oscillatory light responses in the cat retina and lateral geniculate nucleus//Nature 1996, 379: 728-732.
Popivanov D., Mineva A., Krekule I. EEG Patterns in Theta- Frequency-Range and Gamma-Frequency-Range and Their Probable Relation to Human Voluntary Movement Organization //NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 1999, Vol 267, Iss 1, pp 5-8.
Pulvermuller, F., Preissl, H., Lutzenberger, W. and Birbaumer, N. Spectral responses in thr gamma-band: physiological signs of higher cognitive processes? //NeuroReport. 1995. 6. 2057.
Sannita W.G. Stimulus-specific oscillatory responsess of the brain: a time/frequency-related coding process//Clinical Neurophysiology, V.111, Issue 4, Aprill 2000, P. 565-583.
Shibata T., Shimoyama I., Ito T., Abla D., Iwasa H., Koseki K., Yamanouchi N., Sato T., Nakajima Y. Event-Related Dynamics of the Gamma-Band Oscillation in the Human Brain - Information-Processing During a Go/Nogo Hand Movement Task//NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 1999, Vol 33, Iss 3, pp 215-222.
Singer W. Response synchronization of cortical neurons: an epiphenomenon or a solution to the binding problem? //Ibro News. 1991. V.19.№1.P. 6.
Singer W. and Gray C.M. Visual feature integration and the temporal correlation hypothesis //Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 1995: 18. 555-586.
Singer, W. Neurobiology: striving for coherance//Nature, 1999, 397, 391-392.
Spydel J.D., Ford M.R., and Sheer D.E. Task dependent cerebral lateralization of the 40 Hz EEG rhythm //Psychophysiology.1979. 16. P. 347-350.
Stopfer M., Bhagavan S., Smith B.H., Laurent G. Impaired odour discrimination on desinchronization of odour-encoding neural assemblies//Nature 1997, 390:70-74.
Tallon-Baudry,C., Bertrand,O.,Bouchet,P. And Pernier,J. Gamma- range activity evoked by coherent visual stimuli in humans //Eur J Neurosci. 1995, 7, 1285-1291.
Tallonbaudry C., Kreiter A., Bertrand O. Sustained and Transient Oscillatory Responses in the Gamma-Band and Beta-Band in a Visual Short-Term-Memory Task in Humans //Visual Neuroscience 1999, Vol 16, Iss 3, pp 449-459.
Tiitinen, H., Sibkkonen, J., Reinkainen, K., Alho, K., Lavikainen, J., Naatanen, R. Selective attention enhances the auditory 40-Hz transient response in humans //Nature, 1993, 364, 59-60.
Von der Malsburg, C. & Schneider, W. Binding in models of perception and brain function//Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995, 5, 520526.
Wehr M. And Laurent G. Oduor encoding by temporal sequences of firing in oscillating neural assemblies//Nature 1996, 384: 162-166.
Ylinen A., Bragin A., Nadasdy Z., Jando G., Szabo I., Sik A. And Bazsaki Sharp wave-associated high-frequency oscillation (200 Hz) in the intact hippocampus: network and intracellural mechanisms//J/ Neirosci. 1995, V. 15, 30-46.
Yordanova, J., Kolev, V. & Demiralp, T. The phase-locking of auditory gamma band responses in humans is sensitive to task processing//NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 3999-4004.
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б., Анисимов Н.В., Пирогов Ю.А., Соколов Е.Н. Гамма-ритм электрической активности мозга человека в сенсорном кодировании//Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника.2002, №3, 34-42.
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б. Роль частотно-специфических кодов в процессах внимания// Материалы 2-ой Международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения А.Р. Лурия «А.Р. Лурия и психология XXI века»М. «Федоровец», 2003, (в печати).
Данилова Н.Н., Быкова Н.Б. Осцилляторная активность мозга и
информационные процессы //Психология: современные
направления междисциплинарных исследований. Доклады конференции, М. Из-во ИПРАН. 2003 (в печати).
Думенко В.Н., М.К.Козлов Исследование селективного внимания у собак по данным когерентно-фазовых характеристик корковых потенциалов в широкой полосе частот 1-220 Гц//Журн. высш.нервн.деят., 2002, №4, 428-440.
Думенко В.Н., Функциональное значение высокочастотных компонентов электрической активности головного мозга в процессах формирования внутренних образов//Журн. высш.нервн.деят., 2002, №5, 539-550.
Соколов Е.Н. Восприятие и условный рефлекс: новый взгляд. 2003, МГУ (в печати).
Basar. E. Brain function and oscillations. II: Integrative brain function. Neurophysiology and cognitive processes. 1999. Springer
Basar E., Basar-Eroglu C., Karakas S., Schurman M. Brain oscillation in perception and memory //International Journal of Psychophysiology 35: 95, 2000.
Bresslerr, S.L. Large-scale cortical networks and cognition //Brain Research Reviews, 1995, 20, 288-304.
Brosch M., Bauer R., and Eckhorn R. Stimulus-dependent modulations of correlated high- frequency oscillations in cat visual cortex //Cereb Cortex, 1997, 7, 70-76 [цитировано по MEDLINE]
Eckhorn,R., Bauer, R., Jorden, W., Brosch, M., Kruse, W., Munk, M.H.J. & Reitboeck, H.J. Coherent oscillations: a mechanizm of feature linking in the visual cortex? Multiple electrode and correlation analysises in the cat //Biological Cybernetics, 1988, 60, 121-130.
Eckhorn,R., Reitboeck, H.J., Arndt, M. And Dickt, P.Feature linking via synchronization among distriuted assemblies: Simulations of results from cat visual cortex//Neural Computetion 2, 293, 1990.
Ekhorn,R., Frien A., Bauer R., Woelbern T. And Kehr H. High- frequency (60-90 Hz) oscillations in primary visual cortex of awake monkey //NeuroReport, 1993, 4, pp 243-246 [цитировано по MEDLINE]
Fell J., Hinriche H., Roschke J. Time-course of human 40 Hz EEG activity accompanying P3 responses in an auditory oddball paradigm. // Neurosci. Lett. 1997, Vjl 235, Iss 3, pp 121-124.
Frien A., Eckhorn R., Bauer R., Woelbern T. And Kehr Stimulus- specific fast oscillations at zero phase between visual areas V1 and V2 of awake monkey //NeuroReport, 1994, 5, pp 2272- 2277[цитировано по MEDLINE]
Fries, P., Roelfsema P.R., Engel A. K., Koning P. & Singer W. Sinchronization of oscillatory responses in visual cortex correlates with perception in interocular rivalry//Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 1997, 94, 12699-12704.
Galambos, R. A comparison of certain gamma band (40-HZ) brain rhythms in cat and man//In E. Basar & T.H. Bullak (Eds) Induced Rhythms in the Brain, 1992, 201-206. Boston: Brikhauser.
Herculano-Houzel, S., Munk Neuenschwander, S. & Singer
W. Precisely synchronizeed oscillatory firing patterns require electroencephalographic activation//J. Of Neuroscience, 1999, 19, 3992-4010.
Herrman, C.S., Mecklinger, A. & Pfeifer, E. Gamma response and ERPs in visual classification task// Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999, 110, 636-642.
Hughes J.R., Hendrix D., Weizel N. And Johnson J. Correlations between electrophysiological activity from the human olfactory bulb and subjective response to odoriferous stimuli//In Pfaffman C. (Eds) Olfaction and taste. III, 1969, pp. 172-191. Oxford: Pergamon.
Jones M.S., Barth D.S. Sensory-evoked high-frequency (gamma- band) oscillating-potentials in somatosensory cortex of the unanesthetized rat //Brain Research, 1997, Vol. 768, Iss 1-2, pp 167-176.
Kojo I., Liinasuo, M and Rovamo, J. (1993) Spatial and temporal properties of illusory figures. Vision Res., 33: 897-901.
Laurent G., Wehr M., Davidowitz A. Temporal representation of odors in an olfactory network//J. Neurosci. 1996, 16: 3837-3847.
Lutzenberger W., Pulvermuller F., Birbaumer N. Words and pseudowords elicit distinct patterns of 30-Hz activity in humans //Neurosci. Lett. 176, 115. 1994.
Koseki K., Yamanouchi N., Sato T., Nakajima Y. Attention Changes the Peak Latency of the Visual Gamma- Band Oscillation of the EEG //NEUROREPORT 1999, Vol 10, Iss 6, pp 1167-1170.
Mima T., Simpkins N., Oluwatimilehin T., Hallett M. //Force Level Modulates Human Cortical Oscillatory Activities //NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 1999, Vol 275, Iss 2, pp 77-80.
Neuenschwander S. and Singer W. Long-range synchronization of oscillatory light responses in the cat retina and lateral geniculate nucleus//Nature 1996, 379: 728-732.
Popivanov D., Mineva A., Krekule I. EEG Patterns in Theta- Frequency-Range and Gamma-Frequency-Range and Their Probable Relation to Human Voluntary Movement Organization //NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 1999, Vol 267, Iss 1, pp 5-8.
Pulvermuller, F., Preissl, H., Lutzenberger, W. and Birbaumer, N. Spectral responses in thr gamma-band: physiological signs of higher cognitive processes? //NeuroReport. 1995. 6. 2057.
Sannita W.G. Stimulus-specific oscillatory responsess of the brain: a time/frequency-related coding process//Clinical Neurophysiology, V.111, Issue 4, Aprill 2000, P. 565-583.
Shibata T., Shimoyama I., Ito T., Abla D., Iwasa H., Koseki K., Yamanouchi N., Sato T., Nakajima Y. Event-Related Dynamics of the Gamma-Band Oscillation in the Human Brain - Information-Processing During a Go/Nogo Hand Movement Task//NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 1999, Vol 33, Iss 3, pp 215-222.
Singer W. Response synchronization of cortical neurons: an epiphenomenon or a solution to the binding problem? //Ibro News. 1991. V.19.№1.P. 6.
Singer W. and Gray C.M. Visual feature integration and the temporal correlation hypothesis //Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 1995: 18. 555-586.
Singer, W. Neurobiology: striving for coherance//Nature, 1999, 397, 391-392.
Spydel J.D., Ford M.R., and Sheer D.E. Task dependent cerebral lateralization of the 40 Hz EEG rhythm //Psychophysiology.1979. 16. P. 347-350.
Stopfer M., Bhagavan S., Smith B.H., Laurent G. Impaired odour discrimination on desinchronization of odour-encoding neural assemblies//Nature 1997, 390:70-74.
Tallon-Baudry,C., Bertrand,O.,Bouchet,P. And Pernier,J. Gamma- range activity evoked by coherent visual stimuli in humans //Eur J Neurosci. 1995, 7, 1285-1291.
Tallonbaudry C., Kreiter A., Bertrand O. Sustained and Transient Oscillatory Responses in the Gamma-Band and Beta-Band in a Visual Short-Term-Memory Task in Humans //Visual Neuroscience 1999, Vol 16, Iss 3, pp 449-459.
Tiitinen, H., Sibkkonen, J., Reinkainen, K., Alho, K., Lavikainen, J., Naatanen, R. Selective attention enhances the auditory 40-Hz transient response in humans //Nature, 1993, 364, 59-60.
Von der Malsburg, C. & Schneider, W. Binding in models of perception and brain function//Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995, 5, 520526.
Wehr M. And Laurent G. Oduor encoding by temporal sequences of firing in oscillating neural assemblies//Nature 1996, 384: 162-166.
Ylinen A., Bragin A., Nadasdy Z., Jando G., Szabo I., Sik A. And Bazsaki Sharp wave-associated high-frequency oscillation (200 Hz) in the intact hippocampus: network and intracellural mechanisms//J/ Neirosci. 1995, V. 15, 30-46.
Yordanova, J., Kolev, V. & Demiralp, T. The phase-locking of auditory gamma band responses in humans is sensitive to task processing//NeuroReport, 1997, 8, 3999-4004.