The paper describes the research of the dynamic of the personality's relations in the process of dance-expressive training (DET) and contains the introduction to the problem of the relations' dynamic, the main definitions and describing of the procedure of the study, as well as the discussion of its results that confirmed the hypothesis about get- erochronos (uneven) changes of the different types of the relations in the process of the training. The dynamic of the different relations of personality (to other person, to itself, to group; realized and unrealized relations) is analyzed and their main parameter: sign, intensities, modality, differentiate, reciprocity are interpreted. As the result the profiles of the change of the form and content of the relations of the personality were described, as well as the types of geterochronos (uneven) changes of parameters of the different kinds of the relations. Complexes of social-psychological, personal and need-cognitive features of the person which determine the dynamic of the different types of the relations are also revealed and described.
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