Learning and teaching process content as semiotic heterogeneous text: schema and background interaction
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personal meaning constructs
meaning building
integral meaning regulation
meaning-centered approaches in didactics
types of schema


During recent decades cognitive and meaning components of consciousness have been analyzed rather discretely, but in a number of home researches the possibility of introaction of these approaches was shown (Agafonov A., Petrenko V.). Comparison of methodological foundations of cognitive science and Leontiev’s home disciples shows their similarity, especially as connected with comprehension of culture text components, with the idea of categorizing role of language in conscious structuring and human being existence. Schema as the pattern of psychological construct synthesizing cognition and meaning in united architecture of individual consciousness, in a single subjective semantic space, allows to see didactic values of adopting teaching material by a student as semiotic heterogeneous text. Schema synchronizing outer and inner fields of a student produces a universal scaffolding defining the margins of all the psychic contours, that is intentions of meaning building, consciousness and self - consciousness development.

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