Event-related brain potentials and psychometric intelligence was registred in 53 pairs of twins. Recording of the event-related potentials was carried out in three variants: on classical procedure «oddball» and with actualization at the participants of motivation of aspiration to success or avoidances of failure. Diagnostics of psychometric intelligence was carried out with application of R. Cattell's test of fluide intelligence (GFT 2) and J. Raven's Progressive Matrices, for diagnostics of achievement motivation A.Mehrabian's questionnaire was used.
Actualization of motivation of avoiding of failure in conditions psychophysiological experiment is connected with reduction of amplitude of component N200 at participantss with prevalence of motivation of avoiding of failure, increase in amplitude of components N200 and Р300 frontal areas of a brain at participantss with prevalence of motivation of achievement of success.
It is revealed common genetic determination of a level of psychometric intelligence and amplitude and latency endogenous components of the event-related potentials.
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