Narrative analysis of self-disclosing strategies of women with lesbian identity
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qualitative psychological research
sintagmal component of the structure of research
narrative direction
marginal group
standard social context
the analysis of narrations
selective self-disclosing
trial self-disclosing


In the article substantive provisions of narrative direction of qualitative psychological research are considered. Narrative research in psychology can have the various theoretical bases. At the same time, social - constructivist based theoretical positions are most rel­evant in the qualitative approach in psychological research.

In the article research results of a study of the self-disclosing strategies of women with non conventional sexual orientation in the process of interaction with a standard social context are presented. The research model based on the qualitative approach to gather­ing and the analysis of empirical data is applied. As a variant of realization of the qualita­tive approach the analysis of narrations is used. In the work the author's position in the relation both gathering procedure and the analysis and interpretation of empirical data is represented. Three strategy of self-disclosing have been formulated as a result of the study: selective self-disclosing, trial self-disclosing, indirect self-disclosing.
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