Value-meaning sphere of the population of local armed conflict areas: psychological analysis
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local conflict
armed conflict
value and meaning sphere
fear of death


Introduction. Direct participation in risky and traumatizing events, such as local armed conflicts, has a certain effect on the psyche not only of the participants in hostilities, but also of the civilian population, who remained to live and work in the conflict zone. The purpose of our study is to obtain empirical data on the value-sense sphere of the population of the areas of local armed conflicts, that is, living directly in the epicenter of military events. Methods. The sample consisted of 211 people aged 21-53 years, including: 67 men and 144 women. A conversation and associative experiment were used. Results. It was revealed that the fear of death leads the population to the realization of meaning-life values, prompts to determine the most important in their lives. Peaceful residents depending on their stay in the territories with a high degree of combat intensity experience unfavorable well-being, decrease in activity, deterioration of mood and depressive states, unproductive behavioral strategies prevail in them, which influences priority life goals, evaluation of the current period of life. Discussion. During an armed conflict, the meaning of life of people who live in the epicenter of war is, first of all, in survival and preservation of the family. People mostly live one day at a time, not really thinking about their future, and they are more concerned about the future of their children. The results obtained by us can be used to develop various directions of psychological assistance to the population of local armed conflicts.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Irina V. Abakumova, Evgeniya N. Ryadinskaya, Kristina B. Bogrova, Alexey A. Shchetinin, Sergey V. Sotnikov