Choosing Interaction Positions: Dark Triad and Light Triad as Behavioral Predictors
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Dark Triad
Light Triad
faith in humanity
interaction positions


Introduction. It is important to identify factors that influence the choice of interaction positions and behavioral strategies. The Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and non-clinical psychopathy) and the Light Triad (faith in humanity, humanism, and Kantianism) can act as integrated factors in choosing an interaction position. This study represents the first attempt to investigate the role of the Dark Triad and Light Triad in students’ choice of interaction positions – coercion, manipulation, non-violence, and non-interference. Methods. The sample comprised of 206 students of Cherepovets State University (range: 17–24 years, mean age: 18.4 years). Research methods: (a) Short Dark Triad by Jones and Paulhus (modified by Egorova, Sitnikova, and Parshikova), (b) the Light Triad Scale by Kaufman, Yaden, Hyde, Tsukayama, and (c) the questionnaire to identify interaction positions developed by the authors. Methods of descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were used. Results. When choosing interaction positions, students prefer the positions of non-violence and non-interference rather than positions of coercion and manipulation. The Light Triad traits prevail over the Dark Triad traits. The Dark Triad is positively correlated with the positions of coercion and manipulation while the Light Triad is negatively correlated. The main role in choosing the positions of coercion and manipulation is played by psychopathy, Machiavellianism and a low level of Kantianism. The Light Triad is positively associated with the position of non-violence. The greatest influence on its choice is the belief in humanity, as long as there are no traits of non-clinical psychopathy. The position of non-interference had no positive connections with the Dark Triad and Light Triad. However, its choice can be influenced in some cases by such a trait of the Dark Triad as Machiavellianism.  Discussion. The Dark Triad and Light Triad play an important role in students’ choice of interaction positions. The results obtained in this study can be used both for scientific and practical purposes to develop a non-violent position among students.
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