Parental Burnout and Proactive Coping Behavior of Mothers Raising a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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autism spectrum disorder
parental burnout
family situation
child-parent relationships
emotional exhaustion
proactive coping
coping behaviors


Introduction. Currently, a significant number of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have been identified. The appearance of a child with such a disorder in a family creates an unfavorable situation for parents and contributes to parental burnout. Methods. The sample consisted of 75 mothers who raised children with ASD (age of the interviewees 36.52 ± 6.54 years, age of the children 6.1 ± 1.72 years). The Parental Burnout Questionnaire (I. N. Efimova) and the Proactive Coping Behavior Questionnaire (E. Greenglas, R. Schwarzer, S. Taubert, adapted by E. S. Starchenkova) were used for diagnosis. The KRUSkal-Wallist est and regression analysis were used for statistical processing. Results. It was found that mothers raising two children are less characterized by depersonalization than mothers with one or three children, one of whom suffers from ASD. A predictor that reduces emotional exhaustion and depersonalization is proactive coping. The cause of increased depersonalization is the search for instrumental support, without actually reinforcing it in the actions of caring for a sick child. Proactive parenting, strategic planning, and seeking emotional support are the real parenting accomplishments. Discussion. Parental burnout of mothers raising a child with ASD is determined in most cases by a lack of proactive coping. Parental burnout has a multifactorial origin and occurs in response to a prolonged imbalance between stressors and mother's resources. The obtained data indicate the need to create programs of psychological support for mothers raising a child with ASD Programs should aim to develop parental competence and proactive coping to prevent burnout.
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