Influence of Family Upbringing Factors on the Development of Digital Skills of a Child with Mental Retardation
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digital skills
digital divide
mental retardation
child with mental retardation
Internet space
media activism
digital parenting strategies


Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of mediating the development of digital skills of a child with mental retardation in the conditions of family upbringing. Family upbringing factors have a significant impact on the process of developing these skills in children: material and technical equipment of the family, parents' media activity and their digital skills, digital parental mediation strategies, parents' attitudes towards the possibilities of the digital environment in the child's socialization. The relevance and novelty of this study lies in describing a number of factors of family upbringing and identifying their relationship with digital skills of a child with mental retardation. Methods. Two groups of parents participated in an online survey: those raising children and adolescents with mental retardation (N = 42 people) and parents of normally developing children and adolescents (N = 52 people). Results. The study showed that parents raising children with mental retardation are characterized by less media activity, predominance of communicative motive of Internet activity, and greater awareness of children's practices in the digital environment. At the same time, parents of children with intellectual disabilities use digital mediation strategies less often, and trust the Internet less as a source of development of cognitive sphere and formation of children's information processing skills. Parents of children with disabilities rate their digital skills higher than those of their children. The study proved the correlation of digital skills of a child with mental retardation with some factors of family upbringing. Discussion. The correlations found between the digital skills of children with mental retardation and the digital skills of parents, the number of digital devices in the family, and the availability and quality of these digital tools indicate the need to develop and implement programs to educate parents, develop their digital skills, and master various digital mediation strategies in the process of raising a child with mental retardation.
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