Introduction. This paper reviews tools used in psychological research to assess motor development in preschool children. This review discusses the concepts of motor development in children, including the following four components of motor development: physical activity, physical fitness, fundamental movement skills, and motor competence. The study describes the instruments used to assess each of these components. Theoretical justification. Searching for research on the subject of the review was carried out using the Elibrary and ResearchGate information platforms, as well as Scopus and Web of Science databases of information analysis resources. Special attention has been paid to research over the last 10 years. This review examined instruments for assessing physical activity and physical fitness (hardware tools and the Prefit test), and also described the most common tools for assessing fundamental movement skills and motor competence, including Movement Assessment Test Battery for Children–2, Test of Gross Motor Development–2, Bruininks–Oseretsky test–2, Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder, Zurich Neuromotor Assessment. Discussion. This review enabled the systematization of the existing instruments for assessing motor development in preschool age and the comparison of their limitations and the requirements for implementation. According to analysis, the Movement Assessment Test Battery for Children–2 is the most convenient and informative tool to examine children in Russian kindergartens. This review is particularly important because it identifies and discusses the main areas of psychological research that apply the considered assessment tools. The prospects for further research using these instruments are described.
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