Introduction. Today’s changing society requires individuals who respond quickly to external challenges and develop their professional and personal skills successfully. Effective development requires personal potential and the ability to make impressions to achieve expected results. This is possible through the correct use of self-presentation strategies. This study developed for the first time a model of self-presentation. Methods. The study included 385 participants, 303 of whom were adults aged 18–22 years and 82 of whom were adults aged 25–36 years. A questionnaire was developed to identify the biographical characteristics of the participants and their views on self-presentation, which revealed implicit ideas about this phenomenon. The study used the following assessment tools: the Level of Reflexivity Assessment Inventory (A. V. Karpov), the Self-Regulation Style of Behavior Questionnaire, SSB-98 (V. I. Morosanova), the Affiliation Motives Assessment Inventory (A. Mekhrabian), the Individual Orientation in Communication Assessment Inventory (S. L. Bratchenko), the Self-Confidence Test (V. G. Romek), the Volitional Qualities Questionnaire M. V. Chumakov), and the Strategies of Self-Presentation Questionnaire (I. P. Shkuratova). Theoretical analysis was performed and the results were summarized on the basis of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results. The relationship between behavioral strategies and individual psychological characteristics was established. A model of self-presentation was developed. The goal of the model is to identify the algorithm for actions of the subject in different stages of self-presentation in order to create a certain impression about himself/herself. The empirical model reflects the self-presentation process, which consists of preparatory-organizational, procedural-operational, procedural-effective, and evaluative-effective (reflective) stages. Each stage presents a combination of components, factors, individual characteristics, self-regulation styles, communication orientations, and behavioral strategies. Discussion. Based on the empirical model that identifies the characteristics required for the self-presentation process and effective methods for self-presentation to create the self-image necessary for recipients, a new approach to the scientific problem of self-presentation is proposed.
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