Introduction. Many cognitive phenomena can be justifiably interpreted as manifestations of contextual mediation: word superiority effects, priming effects, attitudinal effects, contextual memory effects, and so on. A separate area of research is the study of contextual interactions. In the present work, the aim was to identify congruence and dissociation effects in the interaction of short-term and ultra-short-term semantic contexts. Methods. The sample (121 subjects) was divided into four experimental and one control group. The procedure included five blocks of tasks. Participants were required to solve 15 anagrams (three tasks in each block). The short-term context was given by a sequence of words, which were the solutions to the anagrams. After the third anagram in each block, a prime - a word that either semantically matched the short-term context (congruence condition) or did not match it (dissociation condition) - was presented for 40 msec. After the mask, a target task was demonstrated - "complementing the base of the word to the whole". Conditions differed between groups according to congruence/dissociation of contexts and relevance/irrelevance to the solution. Results. Relevance and congruence conditions significantly reduced target task completion time. The effect was also evident in the reduced time of contextually related responses compared to the solution alternatives. In context dissociation conditions, there was a reduction in the strength of the effect of contextual interaction. Discussion. Contextual interactions have two main types: co-operation, and rivalry. Based on temporal stability, we can differentiate ultra-short-term, short-term, and long-term contexts. Their co-operation or competition defines the longitudinal type of interaction. The transversal type should include the interaction of simultaneously given contexts. The study took into account the types of interaction of the longitudinal type, as well as semantic "relevance/irrelevance" to the task solution. The main result of the experiment can be considered the establishment of the effect of contextual additivity. The prospect of research may be the study of contextual interaction of different kinds and types.
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