Introduction. Studying the modality of sensorimotor activity of elementary school children is influenced by the demand for new research data about the developmental capabilities of cognitive simulators that are focused on strengthening self-regulatory potential of primary school students. The novelty of the study lies in the testing of the use of a cognitive simulator as a diagnostic tool that allows studying the modality of sensorimotor activity of primary schoolchildren as a psychological marker of self-regulation of cognitive activity. Methods. We used cognitive simulator which allows making a visual distortion in the process of solving the cognitive problem “Tower of Hanoi”, which complicates the solution process. To obtain psychological and educational information for each subject (n = 6) we used the method of expert assessments. Results. The paper presents the results of a qualitative analysis of the video images obtained for each subject in the process of solving the “Tower of Hanoi” problem in three experimental conditions (without distortion of the visual field, with inversion of the visual field and time delay of the image). During the experimental study, we identified and described the individual indicators of invariant and variable features of sensorimotor activity of children of primary school age who have different experiences of educational achievements and self-regulation of cognitive activity. Discussion. We identified main characteristics of using self-regulatory resources of cognitive activity by younger schoolchildren in the process of solving a cognitive task in specially designed experimental conditions, taking into account the real educational achievements of the participants. We outline further research directions for creation of a developmental program to use this cognitive simulator to minimize existing self-regulatory deficits in cognitive activity of elementary schoolchildren as one of the significant tasks of psychological and educational support for the cognitive development of modern children and adolescents.
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