The Degree of Outrage Over Corruption Among Russians with Different Levels of Attitude Toward Social Dominance
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social dominance orientation
outrage over corruption
perception of corruption
attitude toward social dominance
social justice


Introduction. Status relationships and status perceptions are the main driving forces for behavior, self-perception, and the individual picture of the world. This empirical study aims to investigate the relationship between moral outrage over corruption among Russians and their attitudes toward social dominance. In addition, the social dominance orientation (SDO) scale was approved and validated. Methods. A total of 509 subjects participated in an online survey (mean age 41.34 years, SD = 10.67; 57.6 % males, 42.4 % females). The study used the Social Dominance Orientation scale, the 5-point scale to measure awareness of corruption (General Social Survey), the 4-point scale to measure outrage over corruption, and the Short Dark Triad questionnaire. The data were processed with the SPSS 19.0 software. Results. The results of the study showed a positive relationship between the degree of moral outrage over corruption and the approval of the social hierarchy among Russians. The exploratory factor analysis of the data from the Social Dominance Orientation scale made it possible to distinguish the following three factors: (a) “the idea of social equality (anti-egalitarianism)”, (b) “the idea of social dominance (egalitarianism)”, and (c) “the idea of rivalry (competition)”. The correlation analysis showed significant correlations between personality traits of respondents (the parameters of the dark triad) and their attitudes toward social dominance. Discussion. The findings of this study are confirmed by the results of previous studies on the impact of social dominance orientation on the low level of awareness of corruption, which in turn contributes to the desire to maintain the social hierarchy and strengthens corrupt intention. Furthermore, according to the results of foreign studies, psychological predictors for corrupt intention are competitive world beliefs and dangerous world beliefs. This requires additional verification and is the objective of our future research.
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