Introduction. This study was conducted to identify the influence of gender- and age-related socio-psychological factors on the construction of perceived age in the process of social cognition. The study aims to investigate the characteristics of attitudes toward own appearance and perceived age in 35-75-year-old men and women. Methods. We used the Photo-video Presentation of Appearance procedure developed by T. A. Vorontsova and five diagnostic tools developed by V. A. Labunskaya to diagnose attitudes toward appearance. The main sample comprised 523 subjects (207 males and 316 females) aged 35 to 75 years. The reliability of the research results was achieved by descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation analysis, Student’s t-test, Levene’s test for equal variances, and Mann-Whitney U test. Results. The results of the study showed that (1) mature women (aged 35 to 59) look significantly younger than men of the same age; in old age (60-75 years), the discrepancy between perceived age and chronological age (“years saved”) is similar for men and women (both look on average 3.5 to 4 years younger); (2) significant gender-related differences were found in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of attitudes toward appearance among men and women; in old age, differences were observed in only two parameters of attitudes – the desire to improve appearance and ideas about male friends’ assessments of appearance (significantly higher in women); (3) correlations were found between the parameters of men’s and women’s attitudes toward their own appearance and their perceived age, mediated by the life stage. Discussion. The findings were discussed in the context of the social psychology of appearance, the “multifactorial model of attitudes toward appearance”, gender stereotypes, expectations, and the “double standard of aging” between men and women.
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