Introduction. Modern technology for auditory prostheses (digital hearing aids, cochlear implantation) creates conditions for auditory rehabilitation of individuals with severe hearing loss and even deafness. In this case, the important task of developing and updating sensory experiences arises, including the formation of the primary auditory–speech analysis processes, the consolidation of new intersensory connections, and the mechanisms of auditory–motor integration, which form the basis for communication and cognitive activity under new interactions with the environment. An effective solution to this psychophysiological problem can be facilitated by using specialized software that provides a targeted training of the perception skills necessary to implement the function of auditory–speech communication in patients with hearing impairments and by objective assessment of the individual progress of their rehabilitation using psychophysical methods. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of using software in sophisticated situations of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation. Methods. The specially designed software tools were used to develop the processes of auditory analysis of perception and speech in cochlear implant users of different ages with pre- and post-lingual deafness. The results were assessed according to psychophysical testing based on quantitative indicators of correct recognition and reaction time. Three series of the study were related to the following sophisticated rehabilitation situations: (a) late implantation (n = 32), (b) auditory analysis of dynamic signals during the perception of prosodic information in speech (n = 36), and (c) in conditions of spatial orientation (n = 25). Results. New data and the results of their comparison indicated a significant improvement in the detection and analysis of basic spectral-temporal features of non-speech and speech signals (interruption by a pause, change in a rhythmic pattern of sound stimulation, location and movement of the sound source, phonetic categories and prosodic characteristics of speech), as well as the use of auditory–speech skills by cochlear implant users in everyday situations after training. Discussion. In general, experience in the practical use of software tools indicates that it is advantageous to integrate them into methodological tools for cochlear implant centers and auditory training in the education of children with hearing impairments.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Inna V. Koroleva, Anna A. Balyakova, El'vira I. Stolyarova, Sergei P. Pak, Elena A. Ogorodnikova