Adaptation of the Russian-language Versions of the Self-Focused Attention Scale and the Self-Consciousness Scale Questionnaires
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self-consciousness scale
private self-consciousness
public self-consciousness
social anxiety
factor analysis
confirmatory analysis


Introduction. The self-focused attention is considered as a personality trait that predisposes to the emergence of depressive and anxious thoughts. The purpose of this study was to validate the Russian-language versions of the Self-Consciousness Scale and the Self-Focused Attention Scale questionnaires, which allow assessing the degree of self-focus. For the first time, the reliability and validity of the Russian versions of the questionnaires were investigated. Methods. The study involved 149 participants (99 women, 50 men), mean age – 22.6, SD = 6.9. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used. Results. The use of factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure of the Self-Consciousness Scale (private self-consciousness subscale and a public self-consciousness and social anxiety subscale) and a single-factor structure of the Self-Focused Attention Scale. Analysis of the coefficients of internal consistency revealed a high homogeneity of the scales. The questionnaire scales correlated positively with symptoms of anxiety and depression and negatively with emotional stability. The self-focused attention scale, the subscale of public self-consciousness and social anxiety and the scale of trait anxiety positively correlated with each other. Compared to men, women had significantly higher scores on the self-focused attention scale and the public self-consciousness and social anxiety subscale. Discussion. The Russian versions of the questionnaires showed a good factor structure and high internal consistency of the scales. The revealed gender differences by the scales correspond to those described in the literature. Correlations with scales of depression, anxiety, and emotional stability are consistent with theoretical predictions. The obtained results allow us to believe that the Russian-language versions of the Self-Focused Attention Scale and the Self-Consciousness Scale are reliable and valid instruments.
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