Empathic Accuracy in Poly-Ethnic Interaction
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valence and content accuracy
intercultural interaction
con㫴ict communication


This study examines empathic accuracy under the perspective of intercultrual communication. The accent is made on consideration of the concept of empathic accuracy and analysis of empirical ཚndings related to impact of situational variables on empathic accuracy in interpersonal communication. Theoretical background consists of modern approaches to phenomenon of empathy as multi-component social-psychological personality trait. The study is aimed at determination and empirical examination of situational variables that
have the most eཚect on valence empathic accuracy in con㫴ict poly-ethnic interaction. The ཚndings reveal the combined eཚects of a number of situational variables on valence empathic accuracy: partner’s gender, content of interaction, group membership and interaction con㫴ict potential. In conclusion the con㫴ict patterns of valence empathic accuracy in interaction with a partner of another ethnic out-group are described.

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