Peculiarities of personality of individuals with harmonious and disharmonious types of giftedness development
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harmonious type
disharmonious type
peculiarities of development
evidence of giftedness
psychological support


This article discusses peculiarities of personality development of individuals with harmonious and disharmonious types of giftedness. Description of the development types is based on the statements of “The operational giftedness concept”. Deࠀnition of them is connected with the complexity of the very phenomenon of giftedness. The authors’ objective is to prove that complications that occur in the gifted children’s behavior, communication and education are not an immanent feature of giftedness itself.The ࠀrst part of the article includes facts that characterize personality of truly gifted children with harmonious type of development. In the second part three groups of problems that determine formation of personality of children with disharmonious type of giftedness are deࠀned. In conclusion the authors show that psychological support to children with evidence of giftedness may help to switch a child from disharmonious to harmonious type of giftedness development.
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