The Main Results of the Mechanisms’ Study of the Mental Self-regulation Based on the Method of Assessing the Basal Emotions’ Matrix
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matrix of basal emotions
psycho-emotional state
mimic patterns
psycho-emotional stability
excessive stability
distorted afferentation


Introduction. The article presents an overview of the author's original works devoted to identifying the regulatory mechanisms of the emotional sphere using an innovative approach. The problem of self-organization of mental activity, connected with the determination of the system’s state and the assessment of its stability, is discussed.

Methods. The research program included the author's model of qualitative assessment of mimic response patterns. To quantitatively assess the state of the system by the tension of the facial muscles, an analytical apparatus was developed based on the matrix method, as well as stability criteria and other indicators for assessing the state of the emotional regulation system.

Results. The main results were obtained on subjects with epilepsy. During diagnostic tests using the myographic measurement of facial muscle tone during the experience and perception of basic emotions, signs of their blocking were revealed. A comparative analysis of individual clinical groups made it possible to determine the significance of various limitations of emotions that manifest themselves at the level of reverse afferentation of the emotional regulation system.

Discussion. Comparative analysis of the data of qualitative and quantitative analysis made it possible to reveal patterns of regulatory mechanisms associated with distorted afferentation of  basic emotions.
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