Last hundred years of history of mankind are characterized by not only rapid de- velopment of technical equipment, science, education and culture, but also by two world wars, huge number of armed conflicts, genocides which carried away millions of lives and have shown huge power and potential of human ability to destruction. In conditions of social tensity in modern society the phenomenon of tolerance draws the increasing attention of researchers. Beyond any doubt, in connection with constant presence of violence in our life the problem of tolerance has a huge urgency. In this connection subject of our research is an examination of tolerant-intolerant attitudes among cadets of military institute who receive professional education in specific con- ditions connected with a state of barracks. Thus, manifestation of tolerant-intolerant attitudes among cadets takes place in specific space of culture of military institute, and, as it is known, quite often is accompanied by so-called not authorized relations, behind which the attitudes connected with violence and intolerance stand.
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