Anxiety in communication as the reason of social disadoptation of teenagers with a low level of success in speech and communicative development


Comprehension of a role of communication in human life is one of priority ten- dencies in development of psychology of personality and social psychology. Working out the problem of communication, scientists and experts are common in statement of identity of communication and vital activity, since activity, formation and develop- ment of person are impossible without communication and success in professional work, activity in public life and, at last, personal happiness of everyone depends on a level of communication skills mastering. It is known, that the juvenile age is just that very age which is most sensitive in forming of all structures of personality and it is characterized by definition of ways of entering in adult life and necessity of forming of constructive interaction with the world and with self. Within the limits of these interrelations a teenager adopts social and historical experience, learns socially significant norms and functions, gets acquainted with the content of social roles.
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