Expressiveness of components of hope in connection with estimation of vital events


Studying of a phenomenon of hope is impossible “outside of life”, isolated from social context in which a person exists. At the same time, only in some works the hope is marked as the characteristic of not only inner world of an individual, but also as the characteristic of interpersonal, group, social relations. In this connection, refer- ence towards a problem of the hope assumes the analysis of social and psychological aspects of human life. The hope finds the expression at different levels of personal manifestation: from decision making in the concrete social situations, accompanied with certain emotional experiences, to personal construction of life strategy, definition of a way of “existence in the world”. The analysis and generalization of works accomplished on a joint of social psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, medicine and psychotherapy, allowed to make a conclusion that the hope is the integrated social and psychological characteristic of a subject including three structural com- ponents: affective, cognitive and conative; connected with estimation and perception of vital events. Considering that features of subjective interpretation of vital events, life situations, character of interaction with them, are a reflection of steady subjective preferences, values, relatively stable personal qualities, it is possible to assume, that structure of the hope, being one of the major modi of social life, reflects features of subject interaction with vital events, situations, other people, causing his attitude to life as a whole. In the majority of works it is marked, that there are vital events connected with sphere of interpersonal interaction, with change of social environment, change of professional and social statuses, etc.
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