Forming tolerant consciousness as one of the primary goals of the modern system of education


The problem of tolerance has already been told and written about much enough. however, despite of it, the questions concerning tolerant behaviour and tolerant consciousness do not become less critical. The problem of tolerance in the modern world remains a theme of discussions for political, religious and scientific communities both in our country, and abroad. And it is caused by a number of reasons. First, the totality of the already developed economic conditions, progressing ecological crisis, distribution of information flows penetrating all surrounding space and many other things increases contradictions and break between interests of a separate person and a society as a whole, between separate states and the world community. Second, these contradictions cause increasing social instability and tension, a security threat for each separate person and states in general, the growth of social level of conflict tension, the growth of terrorism and extremism, migration of the population, and, as a result, thoroughgoing structural changes of the whole system of the world arrangement as a whole and forming of a multilingual and multicultural society.
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