Particularities of the electric brain activity of twins in the conditions of actualizing achievement motivation


At present in the frame of the theory of the functional system, motivational excita- tion is defined as the component of the afferent synthesis, which turns to be the one of the most useful adaptive mechanism. Moreover: «Even symmetric sensitive and motored systems can be presented asymmetrically in the case of the selective effect» . The goal of this study consisted in revealing correlation of the factors, such as: genotype and environment   in inter individual variation of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the amplitude and rhythmic elements of EEG of twins in the conditions of actualizing  achievement motivation. We have assessed and compared in symmetrical leads the impact of the genetic and  environmental components upon inter individual variation of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the amplitude and rhythmic elements of EEG, registered in different functional conditions, such as: basic test of EEG, while actualizing  achievement motivation and motivation to avoid failure.
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